Covid-19 & Diabetes: Must-Follow Tips To Stay Well
Following a proper diet plan for diabetes patients during covid-19 time is the most important aspect because the risk for infections is high compared to others. If sugar levels aren’t under control, it leads to a weak immune system and less capacity to fight viruses or infections. A diabetes patient’s primary goal should be maintaining blood glucose levels to be under control. Otherwise, there are complications like Diabetic KetoAcidosis and its dangerous body response to sepsis. This also leads to electrolyte imbalance.
Tips For Diabetes Patients to Stay well During Covid-19:
Follow proper medication as guided
Make sure that your Diabetes report is not false because taking improper medication leads to effects infections easily. Otherwise, if you pause, using the prescribed medication also throws you into serious complications. So make sure your reports are correct and then follow proper medicine as per your doctor.
Habitat to do Exercises at home

Exercises like walking, weight lifting and, yoga are most important for diabetes because they can control your blood sugar levels. Here not only sugar level but also high blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Observe your foot and leg condition. If you have any wounds, use medicine or apply ointment. If it doesn’t heal within two weeks, immediately consult a doctor because these issues lead to surgery in most cases.
Eat proper food and stay hydrated:
Maintaining a properly nutritious diet keeps your blood glucose levels under control and keeps you fit and active the whole day. Better to have a diet for diabetes patients during covid-19

Have vegetables like broccoli, tomatoes, green beans, potatoes, and peas. Fruits like apples, strawberries, pineapple, and many seasonal fruits contain vitamin c. instead of white rice to have brown rice or oats.
Try to avoid sweets, salty chips, juices, sugar content foods, white loaves of bread and, white rice.
Be hygiene to protect your immunity power:

There is no pill to boost your immunity; you should follow some hygiene tips. Most of them try to boost their immune system. Still, the thing is not only boosting up. Still, it needs to protect it from outside viruses by sanitizing every object, washing your hands frequently, wearing a mask most of the time, not exposing outside without any reason or a mask, and maintaining a distance minimum of 5 feet. Try to sanitize everything and be hygienic for a better immune system.
Maintain good mental health:

Mental health is more important in this pandemic situation where diabetes patients should not feel stress because there is a chance of increasing blood glucose levels. Sometimes, If you feel bored, anxious, or fatigue, then discuss with your doctor via phone or through video call so that you can feel free from that mood from home.
Diet for diabetes patients during covid-19:

A balanced healthy diet is most important for a diabetes patient to maintain stable blood sugar levels and the immune system.
Have green leafy vegetables, meat like fish, eggs, milk, fruits, rice-like wheat, ragi, etc. sprouts can be added to your diet.
Avoid vegetables like carrot, radish, beetroot, but it’s better to have them weekly once instead of eating them regularly. Better to consume buttermilk, use less amount of salt. Mostly cooking oil is important for health it should be taken in less amount.
A simple diet plan includes tea/coffee/milk in the morning session after exercises than a simple breakfast with a low amount of calories than have sprouts or fruits or buttermilk or vegetable juice before 2 hours of your lunch then have your lunch by including brown rice instead of white rice or chapatis. An evening snack like fruits or sprouts, bread, then dinner with wheat flour, then have a cup of milk before going to bed.
Finally, following these tips and diet plans during covid-19 will keep you healthy and fit and boost your immune system to fight various viruses. I hope you learn some tips which are must follow for diabetes patients.